Sunday 4 June 2017

5 arms - slam dunking into the 2nd global testpunch weekend

Dear Readers,

It's well worth jumping into the second Global Testpunch weekend! Some new stuff is available. There's the slam dunk basketball thing, there's the new character Twintelle and there's a boss that's like Goro from Mortal Kombat!

This time I played in tabletop mode and used a single Joy-Con. It's a little small but I got on really well! I played as Ribbon Girl again and won most of the matches to start with! There was one particular match where I got on really well and that was when my partner got KO'd first, but then I proceeded to KO both of the other opponents by myself. Woo!

My other reason to test out the single Joy-Cons was to see what it was like to have split screen with 2 players on a table top. It still works really well and doesn't detract from the experience! So you could meet up with someone, hand them a Joy-Con and play away together co-op or competitive! It's one of those important Switch dynamics and ARMS fulfills this feature nicely :)

The slam dunking is really funny, though a character will always fly straight towards the hoop no matter where they're launched, so launching or grabbing is how you score a point, which is good. No doubt its appeal is more instant than the volleyball and when I see screenshots or video of an opponent being slam dunked through a basketball ring, it just makes me smile and want to play every time :) I'd like to see this on the boxart!

Twintelle is a very cool looking character with her hair fists. I didn't play as her much though.

I was surprised to see the Goro-like boss! What happens here is you join two other players in going up against it and it seems the one who gets the KO wins. Or at least that's what it seemed like. I only won one of these matches. Still a great idea though! The whole going co-op against a boss thing is really popular in games like Monster Hunter.

I wonder what the Grand Prix mode is like for this game? A good single-player mode would be a deciding factor for me.

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