Tuesday 2 March 2021

11 bugs vs. tanks! - shooting gigantic moths attracted by the campfire

Dear Readers,

We continued with more level 4 missions.

Mission 4-3, Operation: Killer Rain

Colonel Diekmann praised us for our work on the last mission and told us he sent scouts to set up a staging post at our last camp, but they've gone missing now. He asked us to try and find them as quickly as possible, showing concern for the weather.

Ernst said it looked like it was going to rain cats and dogs in three minutes. Joachim said the five scouts we were looking for were probably hiding to avoid the rain. We had to find them quickly and deal with the bugs too. I failed the first attempt so I hurried and beat it on the second, earning an S rank with 509 points. The scouts were just soldiers hiding under leaves and bottles. Not that easy to spot!

New tank:

British Crusader - A very easy tank to find! It was near the start and the colour stood out a lot. It was used in North Africa.

Mission 4-4 - Operation Fire Light

We were invaded during the night! We rushed to our tanks. Lieutenant Kremmel was sleeping and Colonel Diekmann told us a swarm of moths were attracted by our fire light. We had to keep them from coming to the base and watch out for the poisonous scales they dropped when they flitted their wings.

Not only moths, but mosquitoes! A few small ants too. We had to rush around and shoot them all. The moths themselves were enormous and looked fluffy and cute but they were deadly. The poison stuff they dropped was pretty icky. This defence mission I beat without having to do the SOS thing and I got an S rank with 501 points! Woo!

New bug:

Moth - Humongous and very pretty and fluffy but icky and very annoying because they're attracted to the camp fires!

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