Tuesday 23 March 2021

32 bugs vs. tanks! - beating the bullying hornets in the branches

Dear Readers,

Mission 7-6 was Operation: Heaven's Needle.

Colonel Diekmann got word that a hornet's nest had been constructed in the trees above our heads, so he wanted us to exterminate it. Joachim confirmed there were two we had to take of and Ernst advised to be extra careful on the thin branches.

We failed the first attempt due to the queen teaming up with the minion hornets to knock us off the branches with ease. On the second attempt, we went a lot more slowly. We even found the second nest before the abandoned tank, but it was close by. We hung around on that leaf and let the queen approach us. We defeated it with a loud cheer before going on to destroy the second nest. We got 482 points and an A rank.

New tank:

French R35 - another tiny French tank. It's a pity they were so underpowered against what they faced in battle.

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