Friday 26 March 2021

35 bugs vs. tanks! - the last main mission

Dear Readers,

Next up was the last main mission, 7-9, not titled with an "Operation", instead being titled "The Grand Bug Alliance".

Colonel Diekmann got reports from a surviving unit that was defeated in the sand region that several huge bugs were there. He didn't say what was there, but I could see that there was a spider and a queen hornet at least. Queen ant too, possibly more than one kind.

When we got there, Ernst observed more than one spider as well! Yikes! Joachim said there were seven targets in total. We had to find the abandoned tank as well.

Wow this one was close. There was just one spider boss here after all but it was the poisonous one and it was relentless in attacking us. We had to use the SOS attack on it which defeated it. Apart from that it was just the queen versions of the other bugs, the ants and bee not so bad, the hornet taking a bit of time alright though. When we defeated all the bugs we had just had a tiny sliver of health remaining. Whew! We got 377 points and a B rank.

The tank we used had a lot of trouble getting out of the antlion traps. Thankfully there weren't any antlions. It took a while to manoeuvre out of them.

New Tank:

French FT-17 - a really old and small tank that was said to be the ancestor of many tanks.

New Medal:

Bug Exterminator - for clearing all the missions!

The strange thing is, there was no ending after this or credit roll, just Ernst saying this last mission was worth telling others about.

So, what to do now? Well there are the CO-OP missions, which can be played alone. There are still tanks to collect, a few more bug species to identify and other medals to earn. The medal awards have stated goals like defeating so many bugs and bug bosses, StreetPass stuff which probably won't happen, achieving A and S ranks in missions, whatever flag combos are... so it sounds like achievement stuff and 100% kinda stuff.

Might as well try out the CO-OP missions and see what they're like at least.

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