Saturday 6 March 2021

15 bugs vs. tanks! - scouting through the desert and marsh

Dear Readers,

Missions 5-2, 5-4, and 5-6 unlocked after finishing the last one, but none of the ones in between. Not sure why that is. Mission 5-2 was Operation: Hell Sand.

Colonel Diekmann got more intel back from scouts, who had spotted the old base before we all got shrunk. He wanted us to join them and secure the path there, which had sand-based terrain.

This place was treacherous with big antlion pits. They attacked us as well as the ants. They were reachable to shoot at at least. It was a bit of a trudge getting through parts of this sandy area and it looked much deader than the forest area. There were huge bees as well that tried to knock us around at greater risk of falling into the antlion pits. I finished the mission with 366 points and a B rank. The music was a decent desert ambient clang like beat as well.

New tank:

British Cromwell - A tank with top speed! Its tolerance for rugged terrain was really high too.

New bug:
Hornet - This was the huge bee-like thing that knocked us around. Described as "SO SCARY!" because it can keep stinging many times, I'm inclined to believe it! Yikes!

Mission 5-3 was Operation: Sink Tank.

Still away from base after the last mission, we were now in a wet, marshy area that had big patches of water and lots of mosquitoes. Not much land to navigate around them. When I found the tank, it seemed like there was an army ant waiting to ambush us! There were lots of bees and hives to deal with as well. The water was okay to go through, but we couldn't go through the darker parts. We made it though. Some nice ambient beat music here as well. In general the music in this game is largely functional, but effective!

Ernst complained about being covered in mud and he and Joachim wished we were using an amphibious tank. Maybe I'll change if the need calls for it. I got 349 points and a B rank.

New tank:

Soviet T-34/85 - An improved version of the T-34 with more firepower. 

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