Wednesday 31 March 2021

40 bugs vs. tanks! - giving up on extremely tough mantis variant boss

Dear Readers,

Now for CO-OP mission 1-5, involving the praying mantis this time!

Lieutenant Kremmel said this practice mission was interrupted by a praying mantis and told us to fight it anyway as this mission.

We didn't change from the speedy chassis and got decimated within ten seconds! Then we changed to the chassis with the highest defence and got destroyed within slightly longer than 10 seconds. We made several attempts but to no avail. This one may very well be impossible without other players.

If I could beat this mantis I'd be able to identify it as a new bug since it's a different colour. It's extremely aggressive.

It's tiresome to load the mission again after a game over because of all the menus you have to go through. Fortunately, there's another mission unlocked after this so I'll leave this one for now.

Also I had a look at the paints and they're cool! Do they have any function? If so I'd take every little help possible in my situation.

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