Tuesday 16 March 2021

25 bugs vs. tanks! - rescuing kremmel a third time

Dear Readers,

Mission 6-6 was Operation: Jerk Rescue III and involved the Allies. I switched the chassis back to the Cromwell.

Colonel Diekmann wanted us to give Lieutenant Kremmel some backup in his mission when he was interrupted by a distress signal coming from Kremmel himself! He was fighting with Allied forces and was now in trouble! Diekmann sent us out on the double.

We found Kremmel's three tanks and they were all destroyed. No damaged Allied tanks so it seemed one-sided. There wasn't any sign of the crew though and Ernst wondered if they fled on foot.

Joachim got intel that four men were unaccounted for and hoped we could find them without running into the Allies. We rescued them all handily, running into only bugs. Kremmel was giving out about not being rescued any earlier. Of course we had to be all thankful he was still alive. We got 491 points and an A rank.

Diekmann asked Kremmel for a report. He boasted about fighting the bugs off when they were all attacked by a T-34. This meant the Allies knew we were here. Ernst suggested fighting them head on but Diekmann refused, saying it would be disastrous.

Just then, the radioman came along and said the Allies were contacting us and wanted to speak to the Colonel! Major General Aslanov of the Soviet army introduced himself and told us to disarm and surrender without conditions or negotiations. Yikes!

I missed out on finding the abandoned tank, so I replayed the mission. The tank I eventually found but it was camouflaged really well! I finished the mission again too of course. Didn't meet any Allies.

New tank:

American M5A1 Stuart VI - a tank that was fitted with shears to cut through hedges. I wonder if we can use this to get through plant obstacles?

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