Friday 5 March 2021

14 - bugs vs. tanks! - shooting caterpillars on treacherous branches

Dear Readers,

Now to begin the missions in level 5, starting with 5-1, Operation: Branch Advance.

Colonel Diekmann thanked us for defeating the spider and had sent scouts out already. They found that caterpillars had taken up residence and he wanted us to destroy them before they became winged weapons so we could secure our path.

This new maze took place up in the branches of a tree! There was some cool pulsing echo-y music for this area too. The caterpillars were on the leaves and there were some ants crawling around on the branches, as if they were guards or something.

This maze was narrow and treacherous! The bugs really tried to gang up and knock us off as well! At times we were sticking to the side of the branch and just about managed to hang on. There were ants, termites, bees and moths! It felt really good to take out the ants with one shot! Upgrading was a great idea! The caterpillars were hard to reach because they were on the leaves and we had to drive on to them sometimes. There were beehives as well, but thankfully they were only occasional spawners.

This area had such treacherous terrain we went super slowly across the branches. We took out enough caterpillars to earn a C rank with 237 points. I really wanted to take my time here so I got no score for that!

New tank:

Soviet T-34/76 - looks like an ordinary tank but seemed to be highly regarded. It was made in large numbers so it was probably the mainstay.

New bugs:

Caterpillar - All green and wiggly and almost completely harmless. Hard to get to on their leaves but worth destroying before they become monstrous moths. It mentions blankets as well so I'm wondering what a giant cocoon blanket would be like!

Snail - Where did we come across this? I don't remember encountering it in the rainy missions so far, but we might see it yet. Slower than caterpillars even, but I'm not sure if they're any harm or not. It says they're a viable source of food? Yeesh...

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