Wednesday 24 March 2021

33 bugs vs. tanks! - queen hornet and bee invasion

Dear Readers,

Mission 7-7 was Operation: Atrocious Queen. Colonel Diekmann warned us about the huge winged bugs heading our way. A lot of emphasis was placed on how big they were!

The crawly ones weren't too bad but there was a really bad hornet queen that made us fail. We were so distracted with trying to beat it that the smaller bugs destroyed the base and we failed. On the second attempt we fared much better, staying on top of the smaller bugs while getting rocked around by the queen hornet. It's an especially bad enemy because we always cheer whenever we defeat one! We succeeded on the second try, earning 509 points and an S rank, even though the base got some damage.

New bug:

Queen Bee - the first appearance of this one! Takes a while to defeat, but not nearly as troublesome as the queen hornet. Also, we don't cheer when we defeat one of these.

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