Wednesday 3 March 2021

12 bugs vs. tanks! - destroyed by the spider

Dear Readers,

Now to continue with level 4 missions to 4-5, Operation: Kremmel SOS.

Lieutenant Kremmel was in danger again! We were out destroying bugs when we got his distress signal. He said the base was under attack by a huge ant. They were trying to fight it off but weren't able to hold it off much longer. He was just about to insult us when he got cut off. Ernst said with Kremmel at the guns, they wouldn't be able to last more than two minutes! Joachim said all would be lost if the ants took the base, so we had to go rescue them.

We had to navigate the maze pretty quickly, finding the abandoned tank pretty quickly, which was a relief, and detouring around blocked passages. Not too many bugs on the journey, mostly bees we had to take out. We found Kremmel's tank backed into a corner by a regular sized ant and saved him in the nick of time. (not really sure why the game says "knick") Ernst didn't keep his mouth shut and Kremmel got insulted, saying he would get a medal for bravery and Ernst would be court-martialled. Yeesh. I got a rank of A and 475 points.

New tank:

German Panther Ausf. G - A very big and powerful tank made to compete with the Soviets.

Now for the key mission: 4-6, Operation: Spider Web

Colonel Diekmann praised us on our work for finding resources, but wanted to keep exploring as we wouldn't be able to outlast the daily wear and tear of our tanks. He wanted to make contact with more possible comrades. The only way to do this was to take on the spider we met earlier so that we could explore further. Kremmel was relieved he wasn't chosen because our tank was chosen instead! Diekmann said he could rely on us and mentioned the new parts we had been collecting. Uh oh... he also said they'd be praying for us.

Ernst was all fired up and vowed to make the spider regret setting its eight legs on top of our base. Joachim said it didn't matter how tough our new equipment was, we still had to play it smart. Good, because I didn't upgrade yet!

The spider attacked hard and quickly. We tried rotating the turret and rolling away but it was just far too big and fast and got us into a corner before obliterating us.

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