Monday 7 November 2022

200 xenoblade - arriving at eryth sea

Dear Readers,

There was a tour guide at the top of the tree. She made a column of water and a big spherical thing come out of the water and told us it would take us to Eryth Sea. We all got in, though poor Reyn was reluctant. He got in shortly after us though.

We found ourselves on a beach at Eryth Sea. Melia showed us where Prison Island was. It was big, tall, dark and floating in the sky. She then showed us the floating city of Alcamoth, where we had to go to obtain permission to go to Eryth Sea.

I asked Melia if she was curious as to why we were going there and she said she wasn't going to pry. Reyn said she was dying to know and she said "how dare you!" Melia was a very proper and polite lady. She admitted she was interested as no Homs would really go to a place like Prison Island. I told her the story about how the Mechon attacked us. She was understanding.

The area's music was a gentle tune.

Melia said we could go to the city via a transporter not too far away.

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