Wednesday 16 November 2022

209 xenoblade - more great hall mingling at night

Dear Readers,

We continued in the great hall at night.

A guard at the top of the stairs had a quest for us to defeat 3 Somati Kromars on Soltnar Seal Island. It was top secret and time limted. We agreed to it. This turned into more. 4 Tussock Kromars and 5 Otol Kromars were added to this series of time-limited quests. We agreed to defeat them for him.

It seems this guard had a crush on Ma'crish as well. He got all embarrassed too! How sweet!

Another guard spoke of a mysterious place south east of Eryth Sea. Might have a look later.

We took a look at our prison/resting quarters and it looked really pretty at night with the falling stars outside. The lights were on and there were no beds though, just these weird hotel room conference chairs.

Ok that's the Great Hall covered for now I hope.

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