Thursday 17 November 2022

210 xenoblade - melfica road mingling, daytime, north of imperial palace entrance

Dear Readers,

We went outside at daytime to explore Melfica Road and mingle a bit too.

There were vehicles flying around. One guard said it made people feel uneasy, even though it was for their protection.

Another guard told us about Skill Link and... whew I don't want to go into this complication right now. I do need to do something with that menu because one branch or whatever was filled. I need to take it slow and read up on it all.

A citizen asked us to collect 5 Orluga Grass Skirts from Orluga in Makna Forest for her dancing costume. We agreed to get them for her.

Someone named Merisa was standing by a plant and we almost missed her. She was worried about her child it seems. She came up as Kindly Mother in the chart. She mentioned her husband was killed in action sadly.

Lady Melia had a big fan who hadn't seen her face since she was young, so it looks like she doesn't make big public appearances. 

There was a Nopon here! He spoke of Kaleka being very talented with his hands and paws and that he knew a lot about stars.

We came across a couple of transporters but they glowed red, which probably meant they weren't usable right now. There was also another blue glowing thing near where Merisa was that we had no idea what to do with. We might find out soon.

Gonna take a break from exploring to end this entry. This area we just explored was the path going to the north from the Imperial Palace doors. We kind of hugged the walls so we haven't explored this place fully yet. More exploring next time.

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