Wednesday 9 November 2022

202 xenoblade - melia enters the palace

Dear Readers,

We arrived at the gate of the city when some soldiers appered and knelt in front of Melia, calling her Lady Melia, revealing something very significant to the group about her.

She gave them some orders to accommodate us, asked us to wait, and left to report about the telethia and ask for access to Prison Island.

Suddenly, the focus shifted to Melia entirely! I continued as Melia, into the Imperial Palace of Alcamoth. It was enormous and had lovely chanting and chiming music. I didn't really stick around to chat with anyone wandering around and the heart to heart spots here weren't accessible of course.

I immediately got lost and had to go back to the centre of where all the paths split. I found where I was going by ascending some huge staircase. I met a man named Donnis who was very happy and relieved to see me. He came up on the affinity chart as a patriotic imperial guard.

I had to zoom out on the chart to find him. He was on the very bottom right corner of the chart! There's an entire right half of this thing that's otherwise completely blank. There are many many more hours of this game to get through, unfortunately.

There was also a scene with two wicked looking characters that seemed to be plotting against the royal family or whatever. Dun dun dun etc.

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