Tuesday 15 November 2022

208 xenoblade - nighttime mingling in great hall

Dear Readers,

I decided to mingle in the great hall of the imperial palace at night. The night-time version of the music is lovely and lulling with some gentler chanting.

A guard spoke of Talonyth, a beloved chef here. Another encouraged trading items, saying that it could fill in that one collectopaedia entry you're missing in a page. I've been having this exact problem! I've skipped trading until now. Maybe I should. He suggested trading with Lecrough and Caul.

Another guard spoke about rumours of someone walking around with a black mask at night. Strange.

More people admiring statues too, saying there was an old religion that excluded people if you weren't a believer. Doesn't happen anymore though.

Galdo was by the stairs this time and he was worrying about someone who injured their back. Galvin maybe?

At the opposite staircase Lar'shen was complaining about his back. Mystery solved! He came up as "Pushes himself too far" in the chart.

We went back to Galdo now that we were familiar with the back pain dilemma and we agreed to defeat 6 Archer Hodes in another time-limited quest.

More night time mingling here next time.

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