Saturday 12 November 2022

205 xenoblade - gathering time-limited quests in alcamoth

Dear Readers,

After Alvis left, an imperial guard rushed in, telling us something bad happened outside of the city with one of the transporters and some people were in danger. We offered to help.

This came up as a story quest.

We left the room out into the huge area we were before and saw more people with exclamation marks over their heads. Here we go...

An Alcomoth Citizen wanted to make a musical instrument and wanted materials. We agreed to collect 2 Lexos Beards from Racti Lexos at Eryth Sea. This was also a time-limited quest, which makes my headache even bigger. 

Another citizen was doing a monster ecology study but was feeling overwhelmed. I know how she feels. We agreed to defeat 5 Cruz Paguls at Eryth Sea for her. This was also time-limited and there were more of them. She also wanted to defeat 3 Eryth Ansels and 2 Ciconia Ekidnos. Both time-limited as well.

Yikes with all the time-limited quests. Does something bad happen here soon I wonder?

Someone named Ma'crish was on the steps and spoke about how we should respect everyone's culture. She came up as an advocate of equality.

I now need to get to know a new people, the High Entia. They're like Homs but they have wings on the sides of their heads.

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