Thursday 24 November 2022

217 xenoblade - popipo's littlepon baroba wants to be smelly

Dear Readers,

I continued the circle drawing of Alcamoth until I came across a Nopon named Baroba. He was at the gate and came up as "Something of a mascot".

Baroba was scared of getting "finded", whatever that meant. Who knows.

Nearby at the fountain was a female Nopon named Popipo. I almost didn't see her because she was so small and her colour blended in with the colour of the ground. Ugh.

Anyway she had a quest. Her son Baroba didn't want to go out anymore so she asked us to help. We agreed to. She came up as "Worries about her son".

We talked to Baroba and he said he didn't like being picked up and being called cute. He asked us to bring him bad-smelling things, them being 5 Ether Roses. We had them so we gave them to him. He was happy, and his mother was happy that he was happy, so it all worked out and we got rewarded.

I'm glad she doesn't mind his new bad smell. She was just happy he was playing outside again.

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