Friday 14 July 2023

449 xenoblade - collecting dedeba's evidence

Dear Readers,

Gadada's next quest in the great Red Orb Scandal Rabbit Hole was to gather pieces of Dedeba's Evidence scattered across Frontier Village. This was all about a trade that was going to happen at Alcamoth. We took on the case.

Nice bit of fun to this series of quests, even though the presentation is pretty ridiculous. I'm glad I'm not getting hopelessly lost at least.

There were four pieces of Dedeba's Evidence. Two were conveniently placed right here at the pollen works. One was behind Dedeba's little house and the last one had us looking all over the village. We found it in the underground store. It was kinda fun but at the same time I was going to give up if we didn't find it there.

With all the evidence, we returned to Gadada, who had another quest in this series for us. Next time!

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