Monday 31 July 2023

466 xenoblade - ambassador for the alliance against mechon

Dear Readers,

Kallian called us for a meeting. Some lovely dramatic scenes followed.

He said he was inspired by our banding together to fight the Mechon and said the High Entia were going to ally with others to do the same. He asked me to be an ambassador for this cause. I hesitated.

It was all because of Fiora, who was now among the Mechon. Melia encouraged me and the others to go save Fiora. It was funny how her weapon was clipping through her cape and the camera was so zoomed on it haha.

She said she would stay and be the ambassador, as she was of mixed heritage. I had some hesitation but I agreed to it and thanked her. It was a sad parting. Sharla had a chat with her about our feelings for each other and that she would make sure to look after me. Melia got all proud and flustered. It was a nice scene to watch.

Kallian then encouraged Melia to join us on our adventure, showing what looked like another Melia, but she was wearing a mask like Melia always wore before. They were going to take care of the ambassador stuff while we were away. I told them I appreciated it.

We were now all together once more, set and ready to go!

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