Sunday 23 July 2023

458 xenoblade - the huge door on prison island

Dear Readers,

Prison Island was a gloomy place, especially with all this bad weather. It was a long continuous path lined with chain linked railings. Some enemies were around but we didn't bother them. More Rays and Nebulae type of things.

We just went to the story point and another scene played.

We came across a huge door, along with a massive statue of what seems like a Telethia and some kind of seal with a symbol similar to the Monado's. Melia spoke of beings who were there before the High Entia. She said only her family could open the door and she summoned her forefathers to open the door for us, and it did indeed open.

When it opened, I got a vision of the giant saying something about the heir to the Monado, saying let the event begin, but didn't show me what the event was.

The others asked me about my vision but didn't stick around long enough for me to explain it. Oh well. Hope nothing bad happens right?

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