Tuesday 18 July 2023

453 xenoblade - secret club in alcamoth shuts down

Dear Readers,

With Dedeba caught at the secret club, we headed back to Gadada. He was delighted with us and thanked us for our hard work in getting Dedeba apprehended.

Gadada said he was going to arrange for Dedeba to take on all of his debts. he also said Bana didn't want to talk about it anymore, just the future. What an end to a big saga of sidequests! It was very hard to get reliable information on anything, but it all starts with the Nopon, particularly Gadada.

One thing bothers me though... Zazadan was worried about getting killed by the "chairman" and Dedeba insisted he was being framed and the real kingpin was someone else. Could there be more to this? We'll see if there is or not.

All these quests were timed too. Glad to take care of them.

To wrap things up, I warped back to Alcamoth and hiked to the secret club venue to find that there was nothing there anymore, just an empty little chamber on the road. No people or anything. Probably for the best. 

The Nopon were all very embarrassed by what happened. The High Entia didn't seem to have any shame about what they did. Oh well.

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