Tuesday 25 July 2023

460 xenoblade - zanza the giant tells the truth about the monado

Dear Readers,

We finally reached Sorean and the giant. Melia ran up to him and asked him who the giant was.

Sorean explained the giant was what their forefathers locked away. The giant welcomed me, calling me the true heir of the Monado. I wondered who the giant was too.

The giant introduced himself as Zanza, telling me he waited centuries for me. He revealed that he made the Monado in order to oppose Mechonis. He said the sword had infinite power, explaining stuff about ether or whatever.

He said some feared this power and imprisoned him here. Melia said her people couldn't have done that and Zanza simply said "You are what you are", which is a dang good line!

Zanza explained the Monado was the sword of the Bionis and it was shackled, just like him. He said this constraint led to faced Mechon who couldn't be defeated by the Monado.

While all this was going on, the Masked Mechon tried getting through the barrier and noticed that Zanza was there with us. It got ready its new weapon...

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