Wednesday 26 July 2023

461 xenoblade - zanza unshackled

Dear Readers,

Zanza told me that if I freed him, he would lessen the constraint on the Monado, which would allow me to defeat the faced Mechon.

Melia told me not to do it, saying her people must've had good reason to lock him up like this.

I told her I needed this power, getting flashbacks of what the Mechon did to us on Colony 9. I said I would do it. I released the shackles on Zanza.

Zanza was about to unshackle the Monado when the Masked Mechon's weapon suddenly broke through the barrier and stabbed Zanza in the chest! He wanted to stop the unshackling from happening!

The female Mechon then spoke to Zanza, asking him how many more will he sacrifice. What did she mean?

She said she wanted to talk but a fight broke out. I attacked in a rage demanding Fiora be returned. The masked Mechon knocked me aside and the others joined in the scuffle.

Dunban and the Masked Mechon had an exchange that made it dawn on him who the Masked Mechon really was. Anyone playing this would recognise the voice but the characters are finally finding out.

The scuffle continued with Sorean getting hurt defending Melia.

Zanza spoke to me and I asked him to give me the power. he said I already had the power and told me to make the Monado bend to my will. He told me to think of my enemy and the power to defeat them would be mine. He then burst into what I assume was a flurry of ether.

This stuff seemed to get absorbed by me. I thought of my enemy, Mechon, and the Monado changed form!

The female Mechon warned the others about this emerging power. A boss battle followed. I stuck with my regular crew.

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