Wednesday 16 December 2015

2 Chibi-Robo! Zip Lash - 3-2 Chibi-Robo hits the waves, the roulette wheel

Dear Readers,

In this level, Chibi-Robo goes wakeboarding. He stands on the board, whips his plug into the speedboat and away he goes! I'll also talk about the roulette wheel.

The wakeboarding is like those Scalextric slot-racers with three lanes to switch between. Here you try to collect all the items, jump off the tops of ramps and try not to crash. It can be tricky with some of the items placed between the slots, so you have to time your switching just right. I missed out on a few here, 1 coin and 2 of those mini robots. I'll have to come back to this stage later to collect them.

Make sure you hit the long, steep, pink ramp. Jumping off of that shoots you high up into the sky, where you dump the wakeboard and bounce on clouds to find more treasures. It's a nice surprise and the music changes here too. There's a little more wakeboarding after this before the end of the level.

At the end, I hit the gold saucer, which gives me three turns on the roulette wheel. There's sweets in one of the chests I collected: Fruitella. I haven't met the toy who lives in this world yet, so I'll hang on to them for now.

The roulette wheel works like dice. When you get a number, you move that amount of spaces on the world map and go to that level, even if it's one you completed before. You can avoid this by hitting the gold saucer at the end of the level. This gives you a choice to spin up to three turns if you want. The other way to avoid this is to fill the wheel with the number of spaces you want to travel by buying panels with coins. When in doubt, I always fill it with 1s, as I like to head to the next level in the sequence. When you finish all the levels in a world, you can take on the boss and you're free to select any stage you want to revisit then.

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