Thursday 31 December 2015

17 Chibi-Robo! Zip Lash 4-4 A Menacing Midnight Flight

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about visiting this level for the first time. It's a balloon swinging level.

In these levels I swing from a balloon to make it stop and descend. It can be kind of tricky. I missed one of the Chibi-Tots, so I'll have to come back for it later.

It's still night time in this world. It's quite nice to fly up into the night sky and admire the scenery. Must be careful here though as there's a big flying enemy that hovers around like a boss. You deal with it by swinging into these floating specks, which turn into ammunition that flies back at it. You encounter this enemy twice in the level, once from the front and once from behind.

I get the Cabbage Taro snack in this stage. Kind of an unusual choice for a snack, but then again, I found a pea snack in a previous world! Must look it up on the Chibi-PC later.

I finish the level by hitting the gold saucer.

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