Thursday 17 December 2015

3 Chibi-Robo! Zip Lash - 3-3 Keeping Cool in the Caverns, Meeting Birdie, Chibi-Tots

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about this stage and meeting the toy in this world for the first time. I'll also talk about the Chibi-Tots.

The cavern has some nice mellow jazz music playing throughout.

The toy who lives in this world is a little doll dressed up like a bride. She has a large bobble head and a bright smiling face. Kind of odd that someone so bright and cheerful lives in this dark cavern... She asks if I'm her groom and I say no. She introduces herself as Birdie the Bride. She has a Japanese lady sounding voice. She dreams of getting married here in the Caribbean when her groom shows up. Waiting is making her hungry though, so she asks me to find snacks for her.

Luckily, I have the first one: Fruchtgummi Monster from Germany. I found this in 3-1 earlier. They're jellies shaped like monsters and look quite tasty. Birdie talks about her little brother being like a monster, but he was very good to her one time when she was sick.

Next she asks for SAKUSAKU PANDA, but I don't have it yet. Later on in the stage, I actually find it. I'm not able to go back to her though, as the portal to her home closed up when I left.

Later on in the level I find a socket that gives me a temporary ice power up. This enables me to turn water into a traversable icy surface. It's fun to smash frozen water pillars too. It's pretty cool :)

The Chibi-Tots are pretty weird in this game. There are three to find in most levels. In the first level they introduce themselves as these little guys that need rescuing, but they sometimes run away when I'm trying to catch them! My favourite way to deal with the runners is to corner them and jump in the air. When they try to jump over me, they'll bump into me and land on the ground, stunned. It's quite satisfying to do this! When I revisit a stage and I come across ones I've rescued already, I like to smash them with the plug for being annoying gits.

The second Chibi-Tot in this stage can be a little tricky to get to. Use the Zip Lash to look around and find a path to it.

The other snack I find in this level is the Giant Caplico Strawberry.

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