Thursday 9 February 2017

1 ninzilla - playing a browser game while waiting for the nintendo switch

Dear Readers,

Played a browser game on Android today. It's inspired by this news story I read on GoNintendo about the Japanese Nintendo online store crashing, probably due to all the excitement of the new Switch console.

The site's error message shows a cute little picture of a kaiju stomping around the place. It's a bit like Chrome's dinosaur when the internet isn't working, except much cuter than that.

Anyway, someone made a browser game out of it where you play as the kaiju named Ninzilla and you shoot and jump over obstacles! It's very cute and you can play it here:

There's no score or anything, just buildings to shoot and towers to jump over. A nice cute little tune accompanies the game too. I played it on my Android and it seems very much suited for something like that.

The other game we're all playing is the waiting game for the Switch! I'm very happy that it has its own screen. This means I won't have to deal with PAL issues(like slowdown and borders) and HDMI issues(like input lag). Televisions are becoming more and more hostile towards gamers.

It'll be a great system and I'm looking forward to the new Zelda and Bomberman. The only problem really is the price. 330 Euro is far too much for it and 60-70 Euro is far too much for a game.

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