Wednesday 15 February 2017

6 epic dumpster bear - ramps and springs at sonic speed through the night!

Dear Readers,

1-4 is known as "Ramps and Springs". I went back to this stage to improve my target score from 86 points.

It's still night time. There was a nice brief break to do some puzzles, but we're back to continuing the epic adventure at night.

Nice quick start to this stage with some springs and rails! Stay above here to get the first red salmon coin. If you fall you can get back up by bouncing on the drone underneath.

More bouncing and grinding when you go left. There's a warp tunnel to a secret stage above the long line of bumpers, so be sure to wall jump at the end of them.

The second red salmon coin is beyond here after some more rails and the third one is to the left of a cluster of bumpers you have to pass through. Be sure to go back left underneath them to reach it.

All the ramps and springs and rails make this a fun level to play and replay :)

Got the maximum 100 target score this time!

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