Thursday 23 February 2017

14 epic dumpster bear - 2-1 icy yukon ho!

Dear Readers,

"Cannon Bear Run" is the name of stage 2-1. Nice reference to Cannonball Run! This stage is called so because of the enemies that are like Bullet Bills from the Mario games.

The levels in the Icy Yukon are nice and snowy, covering the hills and trees. Also with blue skies. There are cool looking castles in the background too. Is the Yukon known for having castles?

The music has a dramatic piano and riffy guitar music, giving the place a cold epic feel, like, I dunno, an advert for beer or something.

There are huge wolves here, compared to Dumpster Bear at least. They chase you if they see you and let out a weird dainty cry when you stomp on them. Weird but kinda funny!

The Bullet Bill like enemies are barrels that shoot cannonballs. Handy for bouncing on to reach high places.

Stick to the high path when it comes along to get the first red salmon coin. Same with the second. The third is soon after the checkpoint.

Heh, the cannonballs can harm other enemies too :)

Got a 55 in the target score, so I played the stage again to get a higher one. Not hard to get at all, just two bumpers. Got a 100 the second time :)

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