Saturday 4 February 2017

22 final fantasy ii - the attempted seduction

Dear Readers,

After doing the best we could on Deist Island, we headed back to Altair, where we learned that Hilda was behaving strangely.

Everyone was disturbed at Hilda laughing and talking to herself and someone even saw her eating a rat. Gordon didn't know what to do, so he asked us to speak with her. Everyone assumed she was reacting badly to her father's passing.

When we got to her bedroom, Hilda asked us all to leave except Firion. When we were alone, she asked me to come closer and she lay on the bed. During this scene, Swan Lake from Bela Lugosi's Dracula started playing! Uh oh!

Before things could escalate any further between me and her, she showed her true colours and turned out to be the Lamia Queen in disguise! The rest of the party burst back into the room in the nick of time and together, we all confronted her.

The big boss music played during this battle. Epic and booming, this was no longer the creepy and ominous Arabian music from bosses up until now. I forget, is it never going to be played again? If it isn't I'm gonna miss it...

We stuck to our usual strategy of using strong magic and sword attacks and we eventually defeated her.

Afterwards, Leila said I shouldn't be letting my guard down around fetching young ladies and the rest of us nodded. Solid advice... and she should know, seeing how she tricked me into getting on her pirate ship earlier!

A soldier came in with the news that the real Princess Hilda was being held in Palamecia as a prize for a tournament. Gordon came in and decided to come with us, leaving Leila in charge of the rebel army for a while. We won't have her powerful lightning magic anymore... ah well. Back to Gordon and his spears for now.

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