Thursday 2 February 2017

21 final fantasy ii - the chimeras of deist cavern

Dear Readers,

We were now the egg bearers and the last hope of the wyverns. We had to go back into the cave on Deist and place the egg in the underground spring there. However, we still had that big guy to fight, who turned out to be three big Chimeras, each with three heads!

I amused myself with the funny line from the Simpsons where the guy said "I'm seeing double over here... FOUR Krustys!". So in this situation that became "I'm seeing triple over here... 9 Chimeras!". That would be true if I just counted their heads. Of course, if I really was seeing triple it would be 27 heads.

Anyway, they weren't too difficult. Just a few spells and hard hits from using good swords and they were all gone. After we defeated them, we placed the egg into the spring and that was that for now.

We went back to Deist castle, where we heard the last remaining wyvern had passed away. It wasn't just slumping any more, it was gone. I assume it faded away when it died, like the other characters we met that had passed on. That last wyvern egg is the last hope...

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