Saturday 31 December 2022

254 xenoblade - warping to hovering reefs 5 and 6

Dear Readers,

We found someone else outside the lighthouse with quests. We agreed to defeat 5 Palti Kromars for him. He had more quests for Maleza Kromars and a Flabbergasted Jerome, which is a really funny name.

Behind the lighthouse was a transporter to Hovering Reef 5, which had another one that went to Hovering Reef 6.

This area actually had Kromars, but they were a much lower level than what we saw when exploring. We were able to fight these guys and we beat them up! Next transporter was to the Ether Crystal Deposit...

Friday 30 December 2022

253 xenoblade - hanging out at syrath lighthouse

Dear Readers,

We went straight for Hovering Reef 4 and the story point. We seemed to run out of warping options for transportation.

We met a guy who said the maintenance worker repaired what he needed, but he went behind the lighthouse to harvest some crystals and never came back. He asked us to see if he was okay.

We didn't do that yet. We went up into the lighthouse.

We met Shalen, the manager of the lighthouse. She worried about stuff lately.

Someone here had quests for us to collect things for research. We had everything for the first quest but not the second one. 

So that was the lighthouse. There was another transporter in the area but it was broken.

Thursday 29 December 2022

252 xenoblade - eryth sea perimeter explored

Dear Readers,

We went back to exploring the sides of the map, going north from Hode Refuge.

We came across another small beach with dangerous enemies at a very high level. We snuck by and continued exploring, which was now about going east.

We eventually reached another beach, the very one we started on in this area! Latael Shore!

That's it for this post. I finally made a whole circle of the entire map. I'm not sure if that was the smartest thing to do but I want to map it all out so I know what I'm doing and where I'm going.

Wednesday 28 December 2022

251 xenoblade - exploring hode refuge

Dear Readers,

We explored Hode Refuge. We found someplace to climb. It led to a cave.

In this cave was a creature called Pelargos Ekidno and it was LV40. We didn't bother with it for now.

We found another cave around the island with Hodes around and in it. Inside were Orlugas as well. There was an opening in the cave ceiling and water inside too. The whole island was like a hollowed out volcano or something.

We didn't fight anything. In fact, we were spotted by a huge winged creature that had a similar name to the thingy I named earlier in the post, but I didn't know if it was the same thing or not. We fled and decided to come back later.

We went back to exploring.

Tuesday 27 December 2022

250 xenoblade - discovering hode refuge island

Dear Readers,

We continued swimming and exploring the perimeter of the map at Eryth Sea. It was very very boring and we just kept on finding nothing. It was nice to fill in the bits of the map but it was a whole lotta nothing.

Out of desperation to find something new, I turned us out towards a nearby island that looked a lot like Secluded Island from before. This island was called Hode Refuge.

We swam to the shore and I just saved and quit the game. Gonna explore it in a different post in a different play session.

Monday 26 December 2022

249 xenoblade - a whole bunch of nothing before bionis' occipital

Dear Readers,

We continued from Faras Cave, heading west to explore and fill in the map.

We filled in more of the map, the edge of the map started turning towards the north. There was a gap I couldn't fill in, despite turning back to cover it. Not sure what's going on.

It was in the far west. We continued exploring as the edge continued northeast.

We pretty much found nothing. A place called Bionis' Occipital came up. That's it for now.

Sunday 25 December 2022

248 xenoblade - discovering faras cave

Dear Readers,

We managed to escape Kromar Coast without getting slaughtered and continued exploring to the west.

We discovered Faras Cave, a secret area! Woo! It was like a secluded cave with its own little beach. It seemed very private. Didn't see anything here so we just continued west.

Saturday 24 December 2022

247 xenoblade - sneaking around kromar coast

Dear Readers,

We continued exploring along the southern part of the map until we found Kromar Coast.

There certainly were Kromars there. Different kinds of them and all at very high levels. There was a path leading away from the beach but it was guarded by two of them. I stayed away and continued exploring.

I then found a secret little beach that gave us access to the upper area here. We snuck past as many of those Kromar as we could. We came across a bridge and on the other side of the bridge was a huge gang of Kromar. We decided to abandon sneaking around here for now and go back to exploring.

Friday 23 December 2022

246 xenoblade - discovering secluded island

Dear Readers,

From the High Entia Tomb, we leaped over the barrier and continued exploring south.

There was a tiny little inland pocket of water that random items like dolphin asparagus or whatever. We went to the trouble of collecting it, even though it looks the same as everything else. Didn't need anything here for a quest, or at least not yet.

We found Secluded Island. It was small enough to explore for fun. We found a cave guarded by very high level Kromars. We didn't mess with them yet and just continued exploring in the water.

We came across a beach with hodes but also high level eks, so we continued on without attacking. On the map we could see connector thingies used by the transporters. Probably for a ledge above the water.

More exploring next time.

Thursday 22 December 2022

245 xenoblade - secret cave near anu shore

Dear Readers,

We leaped from High Entia Tomb all the way down into the water and started swimming along the edge towards the cave near Anu Shore. This is the most fun this game has been in a very long while. I'm glad to see it.

The cave had a tunnel that led all the way up to the ledge we were looking for on Anu Shore. When we got there we were confronted by strong enemies called Stella Eks. I got a few visions and shattering changes of the future. I was on my toes with this one. They were tall, four legged creatures and it was close enough, but we beat them.

There was another one called Lightspeed Sonid but it was slightly too strong for us.

We collected the Chalk Container. We'll have to go back to Kurralth later.

Just for fun, we tried to take on the Lightspeed Sonid anyway. It finished us within moments. That didn't last long! Haha.

We'll just continue exploring the area next time!

Wednesday 21 December 2022

244 xenoblade - beaten up on anu shore by lv80+ enemies

Dear Readers,

We ran out of beach on Latael Shore, so we decided to swim around the perimeter of the Eryth Sea area.

It may have been a mistake. We headed east and swam for ages and ages, seeing absolutely nothing until we got to Anu Shore. No items or anything on the way.

On this beach we saw some very high level enemies so we shied away. LV86 Lograt Kromar and LV85 Sol Grady to name a couple.

We got curious about a red exlamation mark on the map and saw there was a ledge above the beach. We couldn't see any way up there. While we were looking, one of the Kromars spotted us and knocked us out straight away. Oops.

We warped to High Entia Tomb and looked over to Anu Shore. We could see a cave just above the water. We'll try there next time.

Tuesday 20 December 2022

243 xenoblade - fun beating up cruz paguls

Dear Readers,

We found Mir'leiz! We told him about his mother being worried so he went home. We'll have to talk to Merisa later. We found him on Hovering Reef 1 at night.

We went back to the beach where we first entered this area to beat up more enemies. Some quests finished, some quests updated so we'll have to talk to the corresponding NPC later, which is kind of annoying.

We beat up these shelled enemies called Cruz Paguls on the beach, which was fun. We had to beat up a bunch for a quest. They go all floppy when toppled, which is cool.

Monday 19 December 2022

242 xenoblade - beating everything up for quests at eryth sea

Dear Readers,

Exploring more Eryth Sea. Warping between platforms, beating up enemies, not really knowing what to do but just hammering at enemies anyway.

Some quests are being completed, can't really keep track of all of them right now. Warping between Hovering Reefs 1, 2 and 3 and we just discovered Showdown Cliff off of Hovering Reef 1. We got some white tails for a quest.

We beat up some Orlugas, Hodes, flying enemies and a machine for other quests. It's just hard to keep track of them all and everything looks the same anyway.

At the moment we're doing very well against enemies, though it's daytime.

Sunday 18 December 2022

241 xenoblade - starting to explore eryth sea

Dear Readers,

Time to explore Eryth Sea! Every single quest I got in Alcamoth, this area's city, is time sensitive, so I better explore as much as I can in this local area in case I get locked out of doing them.

We wandered around the centre gate platforms and met many High Entia who were concerned about the repair worker that didn't come back yet.

We discovered the High Entia Tomb when we took a transporter over there. 

We warped a few more times and found the way to the story progression point. I wanted to hang around a while longer though.

We started fighting enemies. When I got a Luxury Hode Wood I got a vision of Riki being excited to collect 3 for Jarack to fix a windmill.

We beat up all the Unine Hodes we needed for a quest

Saturday 17 December 2022

240 xenoblade - leaving alcamoth for eryth sea, updating affinities

Dear Readers,

We didn't see the kid that was sparring in Alcamoth.

He really did leave the city then. We also got a comment from Baroba who wasn't happy with Nelo getting drunk. Popipo was nearby and had a comment about Nelo's drinking as well. All of this updated the affinity chart.

There's lots more little updates to do for the affinity chart, but I wanted to go to Eryth Sea for now. Hopefully I can update them a little later. I was getting a little tired of going back and forth between characters at far ends of the city. Takes ages walking and warping.

I took a look at the map for Eryth Sea. There's a huge amount to fill in here too. Let's go I suppose. Will be back soon hopefully.

Friday 16 December 2022

239 xenoblade - vidian happy for scarlen

Dear Readers,

Continuing the mingling on 1F, Alcamoth, daytime, south semi circle.

Vidian was glad that Scarlen picked a girl. That's good.

Otherwise I met the same NPCs as before. Still kinda worth revisiting the area, to update Vidian's entry on the affinity chart.

Thursday 15 December 2022

238 xenoblade - north semi circle, 1f alcamoth, daytime mingling

Dear Readers,

Now to mingle in Alcamoth, 1F, daytime, on the semi circle track and bridges, starting with the northern half and working down.

We almost missed Merisa as she was standing next to one of the many shrub baskets. She asked us to help find her son who went to train at Eryth Sea and bring him back, as it was very dangerous. We agreed to. Sharla empathised with her as she was in a similar situation with her brother.

Her son was Mir'leiz? We saw him just a moment ago! Maybe he's gone from the southern water feature now.

We had access to the cubby hole that was all exclusive and secret, but this was during the day. We tried waiting there and changing the clock to night, but we immediately appeared outside of it. We really weren't allowed in there.

Wednesday 14 December 2022

237 xenoblade - alcamoth mingling, 1f daytime, northern water feature

Dear Readers,

More mingling in Alcamoth, this time it's daytime, northern water feature.

Three citizens were gathered to look at a huge island in the area. They said different things about it, like needing permission to go there and how there's a huge door there. Looking forward to exploring later.

Naroth came up as "Mad scientist" and spoke about Teelan. I guess Teelan's an up and coming talent. He is going to write a textbook after all.

There were other characters giving random gameplay tips and others who commented on Alcamoth security.

Maybe I should level up arts? I'm not really sure what I'm doing. We'll see when we get out to Eryth Sea. Those de-buffing enemies sound like they're gonna be a pain.

Tuesday 13 December 2022

236 xenoblade - 1f alcamoth mingling, southern water feature during day

Dear Readers,

On 1F of Alcamoth I decided to cover the daytime as well, as I wasn't that focused when filling in the map before.

Teelan had a quest. Teelan was interested in science, particularly gold caterpillars. We agreed to collect 9 of them for him. He came up as "Budding scientist". We already had them so we gave them to him. He was pretty happy and wanted to write a new textbook as his one was lacking in information. 

Mir'leiz was around here too and he was doing some kind of sparring moves.

This was around the plaza area, at the southern water feature.

Monday 12 December 2022

235 xenoblade - lower semi circle, alcamoth 1f at night

Dear Readers,

We continued mingling along the semi circle of 1F, Alcamoth at night. This is from the mid point and going anti-clockwise to the south.

First cubby hole had nothing. No secret club like its counterpart in the north.

The chain link bridges didn't have anyone or anything either, apart from the guards on the plaza side, who said no one was on the bridge at night. Fair enough.

I admit, I had a morbid curiosity about jumping over the side of the bridge. The barrier kind of looked low enough to jump over. I didn't do it though.

The other features of the bridge kind of looked like NPCs, so I took it slow in case there was someone to interact with.

The other cubby hole had nothing either. Didn't meet anyone else along this area.

I only met the vehicles, which I wish I could ride proper. Getting pushed along by them isn't much fun.

Sunday 11 December 2022

234 xenoblade - the secret club, alcamoth 1f cubby hole, northern semi circle at night

Dear Readers,

Now to mingle along the outer circle and bridges of Alcamoth, 1F at night. May break this up into different parts.

We found the Mother's Necklace in the bushes, going north from the plaza to the circle. We don't have to go back to the dude, but he may have some extra stuff to say. One of the many weird little complications this game has.

We got to the first chain link bridge and explored it. No one was on it, but one of the guards said a Nopon was there earlier. Maybe I saw him during the day when I was filling in the map. Hmm.

After the link bridge was a little cubby hole gathering area, but it had a bouncer! He said we needed a Secret Club Card to get in. Yeesh.

Will explore the southern link bridge and cubby holes later.

Saturday 10 December 2022

233 xenoblade - northern plaza, 1f alcamoth at night

Dear Readers,

Continuing the mingle in Alcamoth on 1F, northern plaza at night.

First thing I did here was map the central escalator by going down it and coming back up.

One of the guards at the door of the palace had a quest for us. He asked us to beat up some baddies, as it would take a lot of paperwork for them to get around to doing it themselves. We agreed to defeat 3 Chloro Laias, 5 Stella Eks, 1 Racti Lexos. I didn't record where he said they were. If I'm having trouble I'll look them up later.

Kaleka the Nopon was concerned about Vidian.

Three people gathered under the northern water feature. They spoke of the ones who lost their lives while out with Melia.

I'm hearing about a residential district too. Sounds like another huge place to explore for day and for night. Argh.

Caul came up as "Former imperial guard". I heard he was training people. He said morale was low and he was worried about it.

I rode the northern escalator as well just to fill it in on the map. That's the whole plaza area for now.

Friday 9 December 2022

232 xenoblade - mingling on 1f of alcamoth at night, southern plaza

Dear Readers,

Now to mingle on 1F of Alcamoth, outdoors, at night. 

We found Lesunia fairly quickly near the stairs to the south. She was the one who didn't want to speak to other races. She dismissed us politely at least. She came up as "Extremely proud".

We stayed around this plaza area for now.

Ruthan had a quest. There was some amusing banter between him and me about being scientists because I was also doing exploring and fighting. He asked us to collect 6 pieces of Sturdy Armour from Flavel Andos at Eryth Sea in order to build a deciphering machine for ancient texts. We agreed to. He came up as "Great inventor". He also kind of looks like a Cid.

A citizen who was tending to vehicles asked us to collect 2 Spiral Lamps for him. We agreed to.

Miriall came up as "Celebrated stargazer" and she was very enthusiastic about it too, even when it's cloudy and rainy.

Talia came up as "Gung-ho researcher" and said scientists were interested in her research.

There was a gathering of 5 people under the southern water feature. They all had various tips and tricks on gameplay. Some I knew already, some interesting bits I didn't know such as the Ether Plant at Eryth Sea where some guy named Jarack lives all by himself. Would like to visit him later.

I'll leave it here for this post. This'll be about the southern half of the plaza and water feature. I'll explore the northern part next time.

Thursday 8 December 2022

231 xenoblade - over 100 hours played

Dear Readers,

I have over 100 hours in this dang game now. Whew...

I explored the ground floor of Alcamoth in the centre at night in case I missed anyone. We found some random items in the grass and found it a pain to jump from the grass to the pavement. Anyway, moving on...

Under the south bridge a citizen had a quest for us. She said her boyfriend was selected for subjugation duty. Sounds horrible, even though it's a thing High Take pride in. She didn't want him to get hurt. She asked us to defeat the target of his mission before he does so he won't get hurt. We agreed to defeat Proper Bandaz in the area of Secluded Island at Eryth Sea, which only appears during shooting stars.

That's it for this floor for now. I'm going upstairs.

Wednesday 7 December 2022

230 xenoblade - the scarlen ricoth and rozeal love triangle

Dear Readers,

We continued exploring and mingling. Outer circle, Alcamoth, Fountain of Eternity.

Some guy had a quest for us. He asked us to defeat Tempestuous Edegia on Hovering Reef 10 at Eryth Sea at night. We agreed to do it.

We caught up with Don Argentis. He said he dreamed of going somewhere green. He worried about his daughters being selfish and figured they may learn some independence if he went off somewhere.

I caught up with Ricoth! She said she was fond of Scarlen and spoke of how he was manipulated by women in the past.

I then spoke to Rozeal. She wasn't straightforward but she was flustered. She said she should tell him about her feelings herself. 

I returned to Scarlen and he was glad we asked them. He said he was glad they didn't dislike him.

On the affinity chart, Scarlen comes up as "Indecisive man", Ricoth comes up as "Pretty lady", and Rozeal comes up as "Lives for love".

He then had another quest. He said they both came to him to admit their feelings for him. Now he had to choose between them. He asked us to ask both girls what their favourite memory of him is. 

We hiked back to the girls again and they both had red exclamation points over their heads. Which to ask first? 

I asked Ricoth first. She had a specific memory about the time he saved them on a picnic or something. Rozeal didn't pick a specific one because they had so many.

We returned to Scarlen and told him. He chose Ricoth after considering everything, including his own feelings. Hooray! I wonder if it was because we spoke to her first?

Scarlen then had one more quest. It was to give a letter to Ricoth, expressing his feelings for her. He didn't want to do it in person because Rozeal was always near and he didn't want her to cry. He asked us to be discreet.

We gave Ricoth the letter. She was happy, yet sad. We told Scarlen about it, and then he finally had the courage to get with Ricoth and tell Rozeal. They talked it out, then agreed to continue being friends as well. Ricoth and Scarlen were now dating. That was a lot of over and back but we got it done. It does seem that Ricoth was more in love with Scarlen, so that was nice. I'm glad it worked out like that.

I then went on to look this up online, and it seems there is an alternative that leads to something else. It does depend on who you talk to first it turns out. Some people even said that Rozeal was the ideal one! 

Yeesh! What a headache! I don't care! But then, what if I missed out on something cool? Bleehhhhhh. I'm just going to go along with this. I've it saved anyway.

Tuesday 6 December 2022

229 xenoblade - arielle's discriminating daughter

Dear Readers,

We continued mingling on the outer circle of Alcamoth ground floor at night. We reached the Fountain of Eternity and around that area.

Arielle had a quest for us. She said her daughter suddenly started hating Homs and Nopon. Yikes. She didn't even like half-blooded High Entia. Uh oh. We agreed to find out why by having a chat with her daughter, whose name was Lesunia. Arielle came up as "Kind old lady".

Arielle became the 120th person we registered on the Affinity Chart, earning us the "Friend of the World" achievement. Whew!

Arielle then advised us that Lesunia may only talk to other High Entia. A job for Melia then, when we catch up with her!

Monday 5 December 2022

228 xenoblade - mingling on the outer circle of Alcamoth, ground floor at night

Dear Readers,

We explored the outer circle of Alcamoth, ground floor at night.

We met a Nopon near the Fountain of Hope. He had a quest for us. We agreed to find the Health Amulet for him. We already had it, so we gave it back. He was happy to have his lucky charm back.

He then told us about Faras Cave, how it was hard to find except at night and it had lots of nice things there.

We mingled at the Fountain of Hope and the people there had nice and useful things to say. One thanked us for a quest we did earlier about finding someone's kids.

Another citizen said he lost his Mother's Necklace. We agreed to find it for him.

By the escalator was a kid named Lunara, who came up as "Lonely girl". She was happy with her new big brother Mir'leiz. She was here to greet her father hopefully, because she missed him.

Yura came up as "The people's poet" and he heard about a group of amazing people who went around defeating Mechon. I wonder who :)

Scarlen had a quest. He fell in love with two girls named Rozeal and Ricoth. He wanted us to find out how they felt about him. Wow. The tick box said we had to talk to Ricoth.

Soon afterwards I collected all the Stardrops I needed. Think I'll take a break here.

Sunday 4 December 2022

227 xenoblade - meeting the argentis daughters

Dear Readers,

We met Don Argentis' daughters near the south, not too far from the Nopon that likes to drink.

Zel Argentis knew her father worried about her and her sister, but didn't know what to do. She came up as "Naïve sister".

En Argentis was nearby and said she thinks her father was considering living on his own and have fun without her. She also came up as "Naïve sister". She said she wants to eat delicious cake, be sent flowers, to sleep in more, and not to work. It sounds really nice, though it seems like they all have some kind of crisis.

The girls seem worried... they all do. At around 3am, they started walking and had other stuff to say. They admitted they argued with each other and distanced themselves from each other. That's sad... I'll have to catch up with their father later, but he's all the way on the north side of the area.

Saturday 3 December 2022

226 xenoblade - alcamoth ground floor at night, inner circle

Dear Readers,

Now to cover all the same ground... at night! We started with the ground floor.

Don Argentis boasted about being rich and giving his daughters everything they wanted. He was very proud of them. He came up as "Concerned father" and he was in the northern part of the area.

We covered the whole inner circle and down towards the outer circle.

Towards the south, a citizen dropped a Silver Ring he was going to give to his girlfriend. We agreed to find it for him. Thankfully, we already had it. We gave it back and he was delighted. He warned us about how dangerous Secluded Island was. It was south-east of the main gate and had really dangerous Kromar there.

Nearby, we found an item called "Ha Ha Ha", which was really weird.

Nearby was Nelo the Nopon, who had a quest for us. He had a drinking problem, so he asked us to make a medicine that would make him drink less. We agreed to find 2 Feris Blood, which we already had, and 5 Pagul Hot Pots, which we didn't have yet.

Nelo came up as "Enjoys a drink" on the affinity chart.

Friday 2 December 2022

225 xenoblade - a quest from kurralth

Dear Readers,

Kurralth then had a quest for us. He lost a Chalk Container on Anu Shore at Eryth Sea. We agreed to find it for him.

This was a container of cream used for travelling in cold climates. He said it's likely near an ether deposit.

We definitely didn't have this so we'll look for it when we go out.

Another citizen nearby lost a Merchant's Gift. We agreed to find it for him.

We already had it so we gave it to him and he was very happy.

Thursday 1 December 2022

224 xenoblade - discovering the fountain of eternity, kurralth and zain

Dear Readers,

The thunderstorm finally stopped, not that it was affecting us at all in Alcamoth, ground floor. We continued filling in the map until it was finished.

We found the Fountain of Eternity, getting a nice bonus and a Globetrotter achievement for discovering 80 landmarks. Wow. That is a lot... it feels good I suppose, especially since it feels like this game is taking forever.

We mingled a bit and learned a few bits and pieces, like about a dragon island locally that has a big strong dragon on it when it rains.

We met an older High Entia who has hip problems, but is able to go out because of the good public transport system.

We met Kurralth "half of an adventure duo" and Zain who had a quest for us to get water that doesn't freeze. We agreed to collect this water. He was the other half of this adventure duo.

It just so happened we had all the water he needed! We gave it to him and he was delighted.