Thursday 8 December 2022

231 xenoblade - over 100 hours played

Dear Readers,

I have over 100 hours in this dang game now. Whew...

I explored the ground floor of Alcamoth in the centre at night in case I missed anyone. We found some random items in the grass and found it a pain to jump from the grass to the pavement. Anyway, moving on...

Under the south bridge a citizen had a quest for us. She said her boyfriend was selected for subjugation duty. Sounds horrible, even though it's a thing High Take pride in. She didn't want him to get hurt. She asked us to defeat the target of his mission before he does so he won't get hurt. We agreed to defeat Proper Bandaz in the area of Secluded Island at Eryth Sea, which only appears during shooting stars.

That's it for this floor for now. I'm going upstairs.

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