Friday 23 December 2022

246 xenoblade - discovering secluded island

Dear Readers,

From the High Entia Tomb, we leaped over the barrier and continued exploring south.

There was a tiny little inland pocket of water that random items like dolphin asparagus or whatever. We went to the trouble of collecting it, even though it looks the same as everything else. Didn't need anything here for a quest, or at least not yet.

We found Secluded Island. It was small enough to explore for fun. We found a cave guarded by very high level Kromars. We didn't mess with them yet and just continued exploring in the water.

We came across a beach with hodes but also high level eks, so we continued on without attacking. On the map we could see connector thingies used by the transporters. Probably for a ledge above the water.

More exploring next time.

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