Sunday 4 December 2022

227 xenoblade - meeting the argentis daughters

Dear Readers,

We met Don Argentis' daughters near the south, not too far from the Nopon that likes to drink.

Zel Argentis knew her father worried about her and her sister, but didn't know what to do. She came up as "Naïve sister".

En Argentis was nearby and said she thinks her father was considering living on his own and have fun without her. She also came up as "Naïve sister". She said she wants to eat delicious cake, be sent flowers, to sleep in more, and not to work. It sounds really nice, though it seems like they all have some kind of crisis.

The girls seem worried... they all do. At around 3am, they started walking and had other stuff to say. They admitted they argued with each other and distanced themselves from each other. That's sad... I'll have to catch up with their father later, but he's all the way on the north side of the area.

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