Wednesday 21 December 2022

244 xenoblade - beaten up on anu shore by lv80+ enemies

Dear Readers,

We ran out of beach on Latael Shore, so we decided to swim around the perimeter of the Eryth Sea area.

It may have been a mistake. We headed east and swam for ages and ages, seeing absolutely nothing until we got to Anu Shore. No items or anything on the way.

On this beach we saw some very high level enemies so we shied away. LV86 Lograt Kromar and LV85 Sol Grady to name a couple.

We got curious about a red exlamation mark on the map and saw there was a ledge above the beach. We couldn't see any way up there. While we were looking, one of the Kromars spotted us and knocked us out straight away. Oops.

We warped to High Entia Tomb and looked over to Anu Shore. We could see a cave just above the water. We'll try there next time.

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