Wednesday 7 December 2022

230 xenoblade - the scarlen ricoth and rozeal love triangle

Dear Readers,

We continued exploring and mingling. Outer circle, Alcamoth, Fountain of Eternity.

Some guy had a quest for us. He asked us to defeat Tempestuous Edegia on Hovering Reef 10 at Eryth Sea at night. We agreed to do it.

We caught up with Don Argentis. He said he dreamed of going somewhere green. He worried about his daughters being selfish and figured they may learn some independence if he went off somewhere.

I caught up with Ricoth! She said she was fond of Scarlen and spoke of how he was manipulated by women in the past.

I then spoke to Rozeal. She wasn't straightforward but she was flustered. She said she should tell him about her feelings herself. 

I returned to Scarlen and he was glad we asked them. He said he was glad they didn't dislike him.

On the affinity chart, Scarlen comes up as "Indecisive man", Ricoth comes up as "Pretty lady", and Rozeal comes up as "Lives for love".

He then had another quest. He said they both came to him to admit their feelings for him. Now he had to choose between them. He asked us to ask both girls what their favourite memory of him is. 

We hiked back to the girls again and they both had red exclamation points over their heads. Which to ask first? 

I asked Ricoth first. She had a specific memory about the time he saved them on a picnic or something. Rozeal didn't pick a specific one because they had so many.

We returned to Scarlen and told him. He chose Ricoth after considering everything, including his own feelings. Hooray! I wonder if it was because we spoke to her first?

Scarlen then had one more quest. It was to give a letter to Ricoth, expressing his feelings for her. He didn't want to do it in person because Rozeal was always near and he didn't want her to cry. He asked us to be discreet.

We gave Ricoth the letter. She was happy, yet sad. We told Scarlen about it, and then he finally had the courage to get with Ricoth and tell Rozeal. They talked it out, then agreed to continue being friends as well. Ricoth and Scarlen were now dating. That was a lot of over and back but we got it done. It does seem that Ricoth was more in love with Scarlen, so that was nice. I'm glad it worked out like that.

I then went on to look this up online, and it seems there is an alternative that leads to something else. It does depend on who you talk to first it turns out. Some people even said that Rozeal was the ideal one! 

Yeesh! What a headache! I don't care! But then, what if I missed out on something cool? Bleehhhhhh. I'm just going to go along with this. I've it saved anyway.

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