Monday 12 December 2022

235 xenoblade - lower semi circle, alcamoth 1f at night

Dear Readers,

We continued mingling along the semi circle of 1F, Alcamoth at night. This is from the mid point and going anti-clockwise to the south.

First cubby hole had nothing. No secret club like its counterpart in the north.

The chain link bridges didn't have anyone or anything either, apart from the guards on the plaza side, who said no one was on the bridge at night. Fair enough.

I admit, I had a morbid curiosity about jumping over the side of the bridge. The barrier kind of looked low enough to jump over. I didn't do it though.

The other features of the bridge kind of looked like NPCs, so I took it slow in case there was someone to interact with.

The other cubby hole had nothing either. Didn't meet anyone else along this area.

I only met the vehicles, which I wish I could ride proper. Getting pushed along by them isn't much fun.

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