Thursday 1 December 2022

224 xenoblade - discovering the fountain of eternity, kurralth and zain

Dear Readers,

The thunderstorm finally stopped, not that it was affecting us at all in Alcamoth, ground floor. We continued filling in the map until it was finished.

We found the Fountain of Eternity, getting a nice bonus and a Globetrotter achievement for discovering 80 landmarks. Wow. That is a lot... it feels good I suppose, especially since it feels like this game is taking forever.

We mingled a bit and learned a few bits and pieces, like about a dragon island locally that has a big strong dragon on it when it rains.

We met an older High Entia who has hip problems, but is able to go out because of the good public transport system.

We met Kurralth "half of an adventure duo" and Zain who had a quest for us to get water that doesn't freeze. We agreed to collect this water. He was the other half of this adventure duo.

It just so happened we had all the water he needed! We gave it to him and he was delighted.

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