Sunday 11 December 2022

234 xenoblade - the secret club, alcamoth 1f cubby hole, northern semi circle at night

Dear Readers,

Now to mingle along the outer circle and bridges of Alcamoth, 1F at night. May break this up into different parts.

We found the Mother's Necklace in the bushes, going north from the plaza to the circle. We don't have to go back to the dude, but he may have some extra stuff to say. One of the many weird little complications this game has.

We got to the first chain link bridge and explored it. No one was on it, but one of the guards said a Nopon was there earlier. Maybe I saw him during the day when I was filling in the map. Hmm.

After the link bridge was a little cubby hole gathering area, but it had a bouncer! He said we needed a Secret Club Card to get in. Yeesh.

Will explore the southern link bridge and cubby holes later.

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