Sunday 18 December 2022

241 xenoblade - starting to explore eryth sea

Dear Readers,

Time to explore Eryth Sea! Every single quest I got in Alcamoth, this area's city, is time sensitive, so I better explore as much as I can in this local area in case I get locked out of doing them.

We wandered around the centre gate platforms and met many High Entia who were concerned about the repair worker that didn't come back yet.

We discovered the High Entia Tomb when we took a transporter over there. 

We warped a few more times and found the way to the story progression point. I wanted to hang around a while longer though.

We started fighting enemies. When I got a Luxury Hode Wood I got a vision of Riki being excited to collect 3 for Jarack to fix a windmill.

We beat up all the Unine Hodes we needed for a quest

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