Tuesday 5 September 2023

502 xenoblade - how i almost got killed in the mountain looking for ice cabbages

Dear Readers,

One of the items I wanted for the Colony 6 reconstruction was the ice cabbage. I got some before but now I just need one more for an upgrade. I took out my reference and got to hiking.

I hiked everywhere I could see spots where they might be. I hiked along Kana Peak trying to get lucky, but I kept picking up every other thing like wet rats or whatever else in the miscellany of items that have a much higher rate of appearing. I also started falling off the mountain for the first time! I tried again and I kept falling off! How did I manage to stay up there the first time when exploring?

At one point Reyn fell off and when he respawned his respawn pushed me off the mountain! It actually made me scream when this happened.

I even tried going on that awful ice slide again. No luck at all.

Eventually I got the ice cabbage by revisiting the Lava Cave over and over until I finally got it in that inner chamber where we got the Magma Rock.

I also unwittingly discovered the Hidden Gamigin during one search where we went south from Ignia Hill along that narrow path going upwards. That didn't end well at all. I'm just glad we got the ice cabbage at last.

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