Tuesday 26 September 2023

523 xenoblade - lesunia remembers when she wasn't racist

Dear Readers,

Thankfully, we already had Befalgar Pedestal mapped out and were able to warp there.

We set the clock to 5AM and nearby was the Morning Dew Ice in the form of a glowy red item with an exclamation mark. Easy pickings now!

We warped back to Vidian and she was delighted we got it. She made something called "Affection Seal Half" and asked us to give it to Lesunia for her.

We set the clock to nighttime and warped to Lesunia. She recalled when she and Vidian were young. She wanted to get Morning Dew Ice so badly that she and Lesunia got separated from their class on a trip to Valak Mountain. There was a really bad blizzard and they survived until morning talking to each other, trying not to fall asleep. When morning came, there was the Morning Dew Ice. She remembered how she survived that night thanks to Vidian. She then reflected on how she was treating Vidian now, calling her all kinds of bad things. She resolved to apologise to Vidian.

Quest not over yet. We had to go talk to Vidian again. This involved setting the clock to daytime and warping... well there's no warp between here and there but I have to go all the way to Vidian again. It's really tiresome but it's nice this development is happening. I'm gonna end the post here. I could do it all in one but this rigmarole is wasting enough time. 

I'm glad Lesunia is going to be less racist from now on.

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