Friday 22 September 2023

519 xenoblade - saving the lighthouse from flying thingies

Dear Readers,

It was already nighttime and the flying creatures appeared at the balconies of the lighthouse. We took all three of them on, one by one. Only one could fit at a balcony. I call them thingies because I already forget what they're called. They're not exactly memorable and they're the same type of creature as the ones that attacked us at the Ether Plant.

The first one I played as Melia. We defeated it handily. I switched back to Shulk and beat the other two just as handily.

When all that was done, Shalen wanted to thank Melia, so I had to switch back to her again.

When I spoke to Shalen, she got weird. She wanted me to thank Jarack for fixing the lighthouse and put me down for not doing it. She called me reticent and this weird argument happened. After this, Melia's reticent branch thingy was unlocked and Shalen's affinity updated in the chart. It said she had heart racing for Jarack, which is nice and kind of explains some of the awkwardness at least.

Jarack went back to the Ether Plant and we warped there to speak to him. He didn't have any more quests but said he sometimes puts love letters in the turbines for fun and liked the idea of them being found and read by ladies. That was kind of amusing.

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