Friday 15 September 2023

512 xenoblade - fallen brethren with melia and me

Dear Readers,

The next available heart-to-heart was between Melia and me and it took place in Makna Forest, at the Agni Tablet landmark.

I asked Melia if something was bothering her. She said she wasn't feeling herself. I had to choose what Shulk had to say and "hey look at this!" was pretty funny but not the best option. I chose to ask her what was wrong instead.

She talked about losing her companions to the Telethia before she met us. She missed them deeply.

I said they sounded like great people. The other option was about her getting on their nerves, which would be a horrible thing to say. Yeesh.

She said they took care of her all her life in the villa and asked if I would help her give them a proper sending off. I said of course, we'd do it together, she and me.

We bowed our heads as in prayer. Her own words came up as a thought bubble and they were nice. She promised them she would live her own life to the fullest and asked them to look over her as she journeyed on.

That had to be very hard for her. I feel glad I can be her companion at a time like this.

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