Wednesday 20 September 2023

517 xenoblade - revenge of the hodes at the ether plant

Dear Readers,

We went back to Jarack at the Ether Plant and he said he could hear the Hode Leader's death cries all the way from here, which was pretty good! It saved me from having to tell him everything that happened.

After we finished up his quest, another popped up. The Hodes wanted revenge! We had to defeat 2 Confusion Ekidnos. Jarack legged it lol.

They lined up side by side and came to the Ether Plant. They were very easy to defeat though, which was nice.

When we beat them, we had to find Jarack. He escaped to underneath the plant on the ground below. Seemed like a good hiding place while we were fighting above.

He thanked us and set off to repair the lighthouse.

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