Thursday 7 September 2023

504 xenoblade - hunting bono nebulae for squall elements at eryth sea

Dear Readers,

All that we needed now was the Squall Element, which is obtained from Bono Nebulae at Eryth Sea.

Been a small while since we were in this area. Enemies are quite weak to us now! Maybe we should take on the strong enemies we couldn't fight before. All in due course.

The green Bono Nebulae are all over the place except during thunderstorms when they turn a different colour and become extremely strong. When that happens we just have to change the clock and hope for a time when it's not thundering.

We had the same old problem of the creature blowing up on us when it got too weak, not dropping anything. We spent a lot of time trying to get our chain attack gauge to stay topped up so that we could be ready. This meant we had to fight many other enemies for ages and some of them were too weak to even let us build up anything.

Eventually I switched out Shulk for Riki. I used Riki's Yoink! move again and again until I finally got the Squall Element with it! Great little Nopon he is!

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