Sunday 3 July 2016


Dear Readers,

It's about time I jumped on board this game! The disc version came out recently so I got that for the Wii U. After the day 1 update installed I was off!

I navigated the menus for a while while playing with the Wii Remote and Nunchuck, but the text was so tiny I couldn't read it properly. The Game Pad screen was blank and I kept messing up my character creation by pressing the wrong button. So I abandoned the Wii Remote, reset the game and played with the Game Pad and its screen instead. At least then I could read the text. The TV wasn't completely useless as it shows a zoomed out portion of the play area. That kinda helps.

I played the tutorial and found it a great way to get started with the game. I learned about navigating menus, crafting, building, fighting and gathering materials. I like using the right analogue stick as a cursor and clicking it to toggle between two different types of cursor movement. I really like that I can also use the d-pad for precise tile selection.

When the tutorial was over it didn't save the world but it left it open and free to do what I wanted. I explored around and experienced what it's like during the night and wow, lots of nasty creatures! Zombie men and women and flying eyeballs all trying to get in! When day came again I went out exploring and met different types of slimes, scorpions and vultures. I went off the side of the island, falling all the way down into the open sea with the odd jellyfish around. No hope for survival so that was it for my tutorial world. I'll look forward to starting a standard save file world soon. Still lots to learn but I know the basics at least.

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