Monday 25 July 2016


Dear Readers,

At this point Nova was EL179 Samurai, Joe was EL323 White Mage and I was EL133 Monk. Welcome back to Nova. It's been a small while!

Quest 1: "Purging the Sins of Humankind"

Aberrant Amaterasu at the World's End. We fought a good battle and I was going to encase her at the end but I got KO'd. Ah well.

Quest 2: "The Hellfire of a Djinn in the Depths"

I failed to encase again! At least I fulfilled a subquest though! Aberrant Ifrit moved away just as I was trying to encase him and the move failed.

Quest 3: "The Twin Queens"

The harder version of this quest, "One Perfect Diamond", I was completely floored for almost the entire battle so I chose this earlier one to fulfill another subquest quota. An encasing finally happened during this quest too! :)

Quest 4: "Gold Glints the Road to Perdition"

Another miss for an encasing! Joe and Nova were KO'd on the ground and I started my encase move but then aberrant Bahamut threw an Ultima at me and KO'd me a split moment away from my attempt from being filled. It would've been beautiful...

Joe encased him at least.

Quest 5: "Battle With a Sapient Thunderbolt"

Aberrant Ramuh in the swamp. We can just fly right to him which is very handy! Joe wanted to encase him but we were all too strong and finished him off before we knew it. Whoops!

Quest 6: "Battle With a Sapient Thunderbolt"

I thought we'd do it again. I may have been trying to fill a subquest quota too I'm not sure. Anyway Nova and Joe managed to encase him this time. Yay!

So yeah that was our session. It was nice to have Nova playing again!

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