Saturday 16 July 2016


Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about going through town, the forest, its underground dungeon and the first boss.

On the way back from where we met Joseph, he says it's dangerous to continue left. He's right. Those... mermen I think they are are a bit tough to deal with at this point. I would at least grab the blue altar piece before heading back through the cemetery. I didn't and had to come back for it!

I've noticed you can't really farm for gold in this game. Not until you beat a boss at least. I've also noticed that if you hang around the edges of the screen, more enemies will sometimes come from the other side.

When I got to the town "The Silence Of Daylight" theme plays and it's a lot like the towns in Simon's Quest, but there's only one water hazard here thank goodness. This version of this music reminds me of music from Donkey Kong Land III for the Game Boy! Something about the synth-y solo build up reminds me of the atmosphere of that game's world and that definitely keeps this game in my good books!

There are a few people to talk to in town. The old ladies aren't very nice and tell me to stop being a nuisance and to get a job. Very true to real life for many people. I didn't have enough money to buy anything but I would recommend getting the map upgrades for finding secret rooms and keeping track of where you're going. Richter my sarcastic dad is here too. Just by the water there's the second blue altar piece.

Continuing right, I went into the forest and an awesome rendition of "Bloody Tears" plays here. I love this song so much! I don't even mind backtracking through here it's so good! I had to take my time here with the werewolves. Heading further right past the stairs I found another altar piece by the river and a whip upgrade. I took it all the way back to town to Marcus, the newly opened blacksmith and got my whip worked on. Some enemies don't take as many hits to defeat now.

I walked back in through the forest again(listening to the awesome theme) and went downstairs into a type of dungeon place. "Heart Of Fire" plays here and it's a very authentic version of the theme which brings a good atmosphere. The floating eyeballs here are kinda like the Medusa heads and they can be dangerous at this point in the game. Dealt with them very slowly. Heading right I came across an armed skeleton protecting a health upgrade. It's a bit scary dealing with an enemy this strong so soon but it was worth it to get stronger.

Further along I dropped down to collect another altar piece and could only turn left. On this lower path it's quite nerve wracking to make the jumps across the spiked pits. The screen scrolls up and back down, all the while you're hoping you'll make it! It adds a bit of tension while also making a throwback to how scrolling worked in older games.

Continuing left the path lead to an area that teased a health upgrade that's out of reach. Below there's a cyan altar piece that's also out of reach. There's a whip upgrade that's within reach though and also a hidden heart upgrade in the wall behind the skeleton. That was a nice discovery!

On the way back, I had to head back upstairs and decided to just go back to town to upgrade the whip again. I saved here as well. There is a need to save frequently in this game!

I headed back to the forest dungeon and continued right until I got to the blue altar and faced the boss, a horned skeleton with sword and shield. It's a fun boss and not too difficult to suss out. I made good use of the middle platforms and swapping now and again, getting hits in its back! It's really satisfying to whip bosses by the way. They flash and this "kshhhh" sound effect plays when you do.

After defeating it, I obtained its shield which comes in very handy during this adventure! Every little helps!

On leaving the boss chamber, we noticed more monsters appearing. The first of this game's many bats was the first one we saw. Joseph explains what's happening for a bit and then we continue trying to get out of here.

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